Call for Registration | SE Lab – Re-Industrialisation and District Resilience

Supported by Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government (Tai Po District Office), HKSESSA and Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation (the AYF), the Social Enterprise Summit and Good City Foundation are collaborating to host the first Social Entrepreneurship Lab (the “SE Lab”) in Tai Po, to be hosted on 31st August, live-streaming in HKSTP – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. The SE Lab (Tai Po) takes the district as one of the 3 key strategic reindustrialization zones in Hong Kong.

What does it imply to the district-level urban re-purposing? How does it enhance community-level sustainability and meeting the demand of future workforce?

JTC Corporation in Singapore and EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy of the Nanyang Technological University would be participating to share about the recent Green Plan 2030 of Singapore and Jurong Innovation District as a mirror to reference what Singapore and Hong Kong can learn from each other in terms of urban development, future of jobs and smart industrialisation.

Event Link: