Event Review

Getting into the Asia 1st Public Policy School!

Have you ever dreamed of getting into the 1st public policy school in Asia? On 3 November 2021, our Co-Founder Dan shared his experiences about studying in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) as a master student in their public administration programme, as well as some tips on postgraduate admission.

Call for Registration | SE Lab – Re-Industrialisation and District Resilience

Supported by Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government (Tai Po District Office), HKSESSA and Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation (the AYF), the Social Enterprise Summit and Good City Foundation are collaborating to host the first Social Entrepreneurship Lab (the “SE Lab”) in Tai Po, to be hosted on 31st August, live-streaming in HKSTP – Hong Kong …

Call for Registration | SE Lab – Re-Industrialisation and District Resilience Read More »

Major milestone achieved at AYF’s first Annual Dinner – “Our Future”

The Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation’s (AYF) first annual dinner was successfully held on December 6. Over 70 members and guests came together on a Friday evening to discuss and exchange views on the theme “Our Future”. We are pleased to have Dr Simon Shen, a renowned international relations scholar, to be our keynote speaker, …

Major milestone achieved at AYF’s first Annual Dinner – “Our Future” Read More »

Nurturing Future Leaders – Exploring the Future Economy of Singapore

The AYF embarked on the “AYF Future Leaders Programme” with a mission to equip young leaders with new visions and skills set. We led a youth delegation to Singapore from October 4 to 8, 2019, to introduce our participants to the digital transformation of the island nation, as well as the latest development of the …

Nurturing Future Leaders – Exploring the Future Economy of Singapore Read More »