Call for Registration | TEDxChaterRoad 2022 – Unearthed!
Dare to Dream – Unearth the Future! The annual meeting of TEDxChaterRoad will be on the evening of 31 March 2022, with an exciting theme about “Unearthed”.
Dare to Dream – Unearth the Future! The annual meeting of TEDxChaterRoad will be on the evening of 31 March 2022, with an exciting theme about “Unearthed”.
Community Networks are technological innovations that seek to bridge digital and societal divisions such as gender, class, and caste, which are especially true in rural areas. By increasing connectivity in both digital and social aspects, it hopes create jobs and entrepreneurship and contribute to economic growth.
Thinking about the future isn’t just an imagination exercise, but a practical skill that can equip you with the ability to understand the trends and emerging issues around the world and build stories about possible futures.
Supported by Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government (Tai Po District Office), HKSESSA and Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation (the AYF), the Social Enterprise Summit and Good City Foundation are collaborating to host the first Social Entrepreneurship Lab (the “SE Lab”) in Tai Po, to be hosted on 31st August, live-streaming in HKSTP – Hong Kong …
Call for Registration | SE Lab – Re-Industrialisation and District Resilience Read More »
Want to build up your social innovation project and co-create something meaningful for our community? AYF rolled out the Young Influencer Lab earlier this year as a pre-incubation and innovation training programme designed for aspirational changemakers to build up their project portfolio and accelerate their impact journey.
In regard of providing quality education and promoting multi-cultural experiences, Young Influencer Lab of the Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation has funded the “D-Generation Learning Support Scheme”, which provides ethnic minority tertiary students with the opportunity to use their strengths and participate in the community.
According to a study by the World Economic Forum and The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the education gap is widening during the pandemic, as students in grassroots households are not getting adequate support. Inequality in education is becoming critical.
“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.” – Brené Brown
Failure builds resilience. To equip youngsters with greater resilience in adversity, the AYF will feature five professionals to share their experiences of facing challenges in their respective industries and their wisdoms against the odds.
As students stay at home during the pandemic, they need adequate supplies to continue their studies away from schools. Thanks to the generous donations from kind hearted individuals and organisations, the AYF received and delivered some tablets and SIM cards to students of Lok Sin Tong Yeung Chung Ming Primary School. We hope this will …
[Computer Donation] Christmas Gifts for students Read More »